I’ve barely thought about running so far this week. 

That doesn’t mean I haven’t run; I’m into a marathon training block for the Berlin Marathon at the end of September so missed weeks of training wouldn’t be ideal at this early stage. 

No, it’s purely because the summer holiday juggle is on. 

With my wife, Alison, and I both holding down demanding full-time jobs alongside marathon training, throwing the needs of our two children – Lara, 10 and Logan, 6, into the mix brings a whole new level of complexity.  

Unfortunately, but quite rightly, marathon training falls down the priority list. The runs still get done but only after the kids are sorted and we’ve done what we need to do job wise. 

Holiday clubs are a godsend, but it’s kind of demoralising to feel like you’re going to work just so you can put your kids into some sort of decent childcare. 

I won’t need to tell any other parent about the guilt as well. Juggling wanting to lead your own life in an individually fulfilling way whilst also being a good mum or dad is one of the most difficult balances out there.  It’s one I don’t always get right but I do my best. I speak to a lot of friends who feel exactly the same. 

So in order to keep the childcare and job plates spinning, runs have been done very early in the morning.  

I don’t like it.  

The first cup of tea in the morning in bed, before everyone else is up, is the best part of the day. To forgo it for an interval session is tantamount to madness, yet we do it anyway. 

It has also led to sleep being compromised a little. I know I should go to bed earlier but when the evening is the only part of the day when you feel like you can decompress a little then it takes a level of discipline I’m yet to discover. 

Throw in the fact that all sense of routine around children’s bedtimes has already gone out the window then perhaps you can understand why evening chilling out time is getting pushed later and later. 

Surely, this is why coffee was invented although I must confess to being partial to the odd energy drink as well recently. I think my friends might think that Monster have started sponsoring this column... 

Having said that, sometimes the body just does what it wants. Myself and Alison have been really keen to watch the ‘Sprint’ documentary on Netflix, which focuses on the 100m athletes. We managed to watch about 25 minutes of the first episode this week before we both effectively passed out (no alcohol had been consumed I must add). 

We’re both due to do the Worstead 5M event this evening and I think we will both do it in some form. 

However, I’ve earmarked today as being my long run day so the race is going to have to fit around that. It doesn’t really fit in with my training but FOMO means I will be there. 

We’re at least lucky enough to be going on holiday with some friends at the end of August when lots of running is being factored into proceedings. Getting through to then with everyone’s physical and mental health intact is the goal. 

The bulk of marathon training will have been completed by this point, so everything won’t feel quite as intense. 

It will all be worth it in the end... won’t it?