Maths whizzes from four Norfolk schools came together for a day of talks and challenges at a Maths Symposium.

The event, organised by the West Norfolk Academies Trust, was aimed at high-achieving students from Marshland High School, St Clement's High School, Smithdon High School, and Springwood High School.

Connie Loizou, a maths teacher at Springwood, said: “Year 11 students across the four secondary schools in the Trust spent half the day in the Peter Hopkins Hall where they received short lectures from some Springwood maths staff, and they then had opportunities to solve problems on content that was covered in the lectures.

“The content was aimed at students who are aiming for the top grades at GCSE and looking to go on to study A Level maths.”

Maths whizzes from four West Norfolk schools came together for a day of talks and challenges at a Maths Symposium Maths whizzes from four Norfolk schools came together for a day of talks and challenges at a Maths Symposium (Image: Ian Burt)

Around 110 students were in attendance at the event, which was organised by the WNAT gifted and talented coordinator, Ben Coote.

Mr Coote, along with Springwood’s head of Year 13, Luke Rawling, and assistant head of Year 12, Lucy Edwards, also delivered lectures to the eager students.

Springwood High School hosts Maths Symposium for West Norfolk students Springwood High School hosts Maths Symposium for West Norfolk students (Image: Ian Burt)

Mr Coote said: “The day started with an introductory talk followed by three maths lectures, each lasting 30 to 40 minutes.

“The aim of the lectures was to stretch and challenge students with a focus on GCSE and A Level cross-over topics in maths.”