A man saved four people from a house fire after kicking down five doors during a moment of bravery.

Ryley Dale, 20, from Terrington St Clement, took matters into his own hands when he saw a fire ripping through a building in King's Lynn on Sunday. 

Fire crews spent two hours battling the 2am blaze in Lynn Road in Gaywood after Mr Dale raised the alarm.  




Ryley Dale kicked down five doors to help save four people from a fire in King's Lynn (Image: Denise Dale)

His mother, Denise Dale, said: "We were going past these big flames and Ryley decided to break down the door as he wanted to get people out. 

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"It was a house full of flats so he had to kick down five doors. He hurt his ankle kicking all the doors down. 

Three crews attended the scene in Lynn Road and the stop call was received at around 4.15 am (Image: Google)

"I was screaming at him to get out. He could hear the pipes hissing in there." 

Fire crews used main and hose real jets to put out the flames until receiving their stop message at around 4.15am. 

"He led four people out of the building. Ryley's definitely our hero at the moment," Ms Dale added.