County Hall is at loggerheads with Natural England again as new guidance casts the future of the £274m Norwich Western Link road further into doubt.

The project has suffered a fresh blow after a small patch of land sitting along the planned route was added to Natural England's ancient woodland inventory.

North Wood, located between Ringland and Weston Longville, is now listed in this record, which must be consulted by local authorities to ensure new developments will not negatively impact protected habitats.

Kay Mason Billig, leader of the council, has previously hit out at Natural England officials and described them as an "unelected quango" which had "moved the goalposts" and was trying to "subvert the will of the people" over the proposed road.

This followed the discovery of rare barbastelle bats living in woodland along its route.

The creatures are protected by law in the UK and a special licence is needed from Natural England to do anything which might disturb or harm them.

North Wood, near Weston LongvilleNorth Wood, near Weston Longville (Image: Iain Robinson)

Following its latest intervention - the listing of the ancient woodland - Mrs Mason Billig said: "This response from Natural England and the information it contains has only been published very recently, and we had no awareness of this decision before its publication.

"We need some time to consider this and will continue to work with the planning authority to respond to matters that have been raised by consultees."

The Norwich Western Link road has faced issues at every turn and its future has lately grown increasingly uncertain.

The Department for Transport (DfT) last year committed £213m towards the road and while County Hall hoped this would be increased to £251m, the government failed to confirm extra cash before the election was called.

County Hall leaders are now facing mounting pressure for the decision on the 3.9-mile road to be handed over to the new government - while Labour ministers have pledged to explore various alternative options.