Thousands of people in Norfolk are to receive hundreds of pounds in cost-of-living payments.

The government has given councils across the country millions of pounds to assist households battling the crisis.

These funds, amounting to £6.7m in Norfolk, will be available to families as part of the Household Support Fund.

Norfolk County Council's County Hall headquartersNorfolk County Council's County Hall headquarters (Image: Mike Page)

Cllr Andrew Jamieson, Norfolk County Council's Cabinet Member for Finance, said: "I am very pleased that the government agreed to continue the Household Support Fund, if only for six months: we lobbied hard for its extension.

"While inflation has come down from its peak, it's vital that we all remember how many people are still struggling financially.

"These funds will help people who are in hardship, and allow community groups who know their areas best to provide the right kind of support swiftly and compassionately."

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Eligible people will get the support through vouchers or bank transfers depending on their individual needs.

Norfolk County Council has also freed up £2.15m in funding to charities and social enterprises that support those in need.

The money going to households will vary from case to case with the average amounting to around £200.

Anyone can apply for the funding via the county council website.