A team embarked on an operation to save a deer in need of urgent help on the Norfolk Broads.

The Chinese water deer got into trouble while trying to cross a river near Reedham.

The mud and silt lining the river had built up around the deer leaving it unable to move.

Luckily for the mammal, onlooker Cal Callaby spotted the deer just in time and called Marine and Wildlife Rescue.

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Mr Callaby, along with help from a Broads ranger, managed to wiggle the deer free and help it to the safety of the bank.

On Facebook, he said: "The poor thing was exhausted, their head kept dropping in the silt.

"But the Broads Authority ranger was great, no way could I have got them out without his help."

A spokesman for Marine Wildlife and Rescue said: "We have many intricate rescues called into our charity across Norfolk, they require careful planning and often multi-agency involvement."