A highly anticipated meteor shower, a race between the planets and a blue moon are among the top sights to discover in the night sky this month.

But what else should people look out for in the skies above Norfolk in August 2024?

The Perseid meteor shower peaks

This month will see the peak of one of the best meteor showers of the year. 

The Perseid meteor shower will reach its maximum on August 12 and August 13, with the opportunity to see up to 100 meteors per hour. 

The spectacle will include a high rate of bright meteors with persisting trains and the possibility of fireballs that can explode with "exceptional brightness".

To view the shower, start by looking around the constellation of Perseus near the eastern horizon, hanging above Taurus and below Cassiopeia.

Find a spot with a clear view around midnight to see bright streaks trailing across the sky. 

Mars and Jupiter race

Look out for the planets rising in the northeastern sky just before 1am on August 14 as Jupiter races to overtake Mars.

The two planets will appear close together in the constellation of Taurus, with Jupiter on the left, shining five times brighter than Mars to the right.

Make the most of the two planets together, swapping places as Jupiter storms ahead 24 hours later.

Hunt for Hercules 

A globular cluster containing at least 300,000 stars will be visible to the west at around 10.30pm on August 15.

The Great Hercules Cluster, otherwise known as M13, can be found in between Arcturus and Vega, the fifth brightest star in the night sky. 

In 1974, the Arecibo Message was broadcast towards the Great Hercules Cluster, making it the target of the first-ever space message from humanity.

The Moon's phases 

New Moon: August 4

First Quarter: August 12

Full Moon: August 19

This will be a Blue Moon - the third full moon in a season of four.  

Last Quarter: August 26