A drug driver facing being banned dialled into a court hearing on Zoom while sitting behind the wheel of his car.  

Karl Drew, 35, was told his case could not proceed unless he logged off and reconnected from another location as any driving disqualification would start immediately.

It meant he would be committing a further offence by being in the driver’s seat of his car. 

The former professional ballroom dancer had been given permission to attend the hearing at Norwich Magistrates’ Court remotely as he has since moved from Norfolk to Devon. 

READ MORE: Norwich driver 12 times over drug drive limit day after ban

When he did dial into the courtroom no longer in his car, Drew, of Norwich Close in Exmouth, pleaded guilty to drug driving. 

Asif Akram, prosecuting, said he had failed a roadside drug test for cannabis after being stopped by police driving his BMW through changing traffic lights on Yarmouth Road in Norwich on January 25.

Drew, who represented himself, said he had smoked cannabis two days earlier for medical reasons after suffering a personal bereavement.  

Magistrates banned him from driving for 12 months and ordered he pay fines and costs totalling £421.