A specialist dive team has joined the search for a teenager who went missing while canoeing near King's Lynn.

The divers from the Metropolitan Police arrived on Monday afternoon as Norfolk Constabulary, Norfolk Fire and Rescue, Lowland Fire and Rescue continued their search.

The 18-year-old’s canoe was seen to capsize on the Middle Level Main Drain in Wiggenhall St Germans at around 3.50pm on Sunday.

The search for a teenager who went missing while canoeing has continued todayThe search for a teenager who went missing while canoeing has continued today (Image: Denise Bradley)

A dive team from the Metropolitan Police arrived yesterday afternoon A dive team from the Metropolitan Police arrived on Monday (Image: Denise Bradley)

Police were alerted by a member of the public after he disappeared underwater.

Sonar will continue to be used by the specialist teams and emergency services are carrying out riverbank searches by foot in the area which is currently cordoned off.

Cordons are also in place on the bridge footpath while searches continue.

Emergency services are carrying out river bank searches by foot in the areaEmergency services are carrying out riverbank searches by foot in the area (Image: Denise Bradley)

Cordons are also in place on the bridge footpath and riverbank while searches continueCordons are also in place on the bridge footpath and riverbank while searches continue (Image: Denise Bradley)

Detective Chief Inspector Chris Banks said: “We are doing everything we can alongside other emergency services and will support those involved.

"Our thoughts are with the teenager’s family and friends who are going through a distressing time.

"We would ask the public to avoid the search area at this time and are grateful for your help.”