Two men from London and Cambridge have been prosecuted for separate fly-tipping offences in Norfolk.

The man from London was caught after a local from Barton Bendish, near Swaffham, caught the young man dumping waste from his employer's van that he was using as part of a clearing business. 

They challenged the man but dissatisfied with the excuse given, took the details of the van and contacted the council. 

READ MORE: Farmer left 'helpless' after five months of frustration over fly-tipping

An enforcement officer used the details to track down the company that owned the van and it identified its employee as being the person responsible.

During an interview under caution, he admitted to the fly-tipping offence and was issued with a £200 fixed penalty notice.

The man from Cambridge was caught after a council CCTV operator spotted him fly-tipping at the charity bring banks in Valentine Road in Hunstanton.

He had dumped household waste and bric-a-brac next to the bins which are meant for donations of usable clothes and shoes.  

Following an investigation using images of the car's occupants, its registration, and contents from the bags, a local woman identified a member of her family as having taken the waste from her home.

As a result, the Cambridge man also had to pay a £200 fixed penalty notice.

READ MORE: Hunt for people who fly-tipped rubbish under bridge

Cllr Sandra Squire, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Coastal, said: “It does not matter whether you are local to west Norfolk or from London or Cambridge we are determined to tackle those who damage the local environment by fly-tipping their waste.  

"There can be simply no excuse for tipping waste either next to charity bring banks or on the side of the road next to a farmer's field in our lovely countryside.  

“The tenacious work by our enforcement officers in clearing the fly tipping and investigating cases, even if they take us out of the county, shows how seriously we take our duty to protect west Norfolk.”