A Norfolk detectorist has unearthed a hoard of more than 20 coins dating back thousands of years.

However, just one of the 23 Iron Age coins discovered could eventually be declared to be treasure. 

Unearthed by detectorist Barry Mears in an undisclosed location near Fakenham, an inquest relating to the find was opened at Norfolk Coroner's Court on Monday.

During the short hearing, area coroner Yvonne Blake said Mr Mears had made the discovery on September 1, 2022. 

But she said that of the 23 silver coins, just one would be subject to the inquest under the Treasure Act 1996.

Due to be held next month, the inquest will determine whether or not the coin can be formally classified as treasure.

The investigation is the latest in a host to be held following precious discoveries buried beneath the soil in Norfolk - which has become statistically the country's treasure capital.

Annual statistics released each year have repeatedly shown that more treasure is found in Norfolk than anywhere else in the country.

Mrs Blake adjourned the hearing until 9.30am on Thursday, August 29.