A Norfolk school marked the accomplishments of its best pupils in two celebratory events.

Smithdon High School, part of the West Norfolk Academies Trust, held a Key Stage 3 Celebration Assembly before the end of term, which saw more than 200 parents and staff gathering to honour pupils from Years 7, 8 and 9.

Assistant head Mike Johnson and head of PE Jamie Tilley gave prizes and awards throughout the event with headteacher Amanda Gibbins finally awarding the coveted 'Smithdon Seven' and 'Smithdon Stars' awards.

Mr Johnson said: “Events like this are important to celebrate our awesome students and look back at the year.

Prizes were awarded to 100 pupils over the course of the evening Prizes were awarded to 100 pupils over the course of the evening (Image: Ian Burt)

“This year, it was especially difficult to select the students who stood out, as so many have made phenomenal progress.”

Earlier in the term, the achievements of Year 10 students were also honoured.

Assistant head, Dan Ward, said: “It is always an enjoyable experience being able to celebrate the students’ achievements.

"They are half-way through their GCSE studies, and celebrating their successes can be used as a motivational factor to continue to achieve into Year 11.”