A 27-year-old man has been ordered to pay £1,100 in compensation and fines after two Yorkshire terriers were killed in an "extremely distressing" attack.

Harry Harper, of Tickham Lane in Lynsted, Kent, appeared before Ipswich Magistrates’ Court on July 11, after pleading guilty to two counts of being the owner of a dog dangerously out of control.

The attack happened on October 4 as a woman was out walking her two Yorkshire terriers – Mia and Minnie - along Fire Route 4 in Thetford Forest near Brandon.

A large black Cane Corso dog began chasing Mia.

While this was happening, the owner lost sight of Minne but could hear her screaming nearby. 

Mia ran towards her owner who attempted to pick her up, but the Cane Corso grabbed her in its mouth as a second Cane Corso appeared.

Harper and a woman arrived and managed to release Mia who then died in her owner's arms.

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The owner was unable to locate Minnie who was later found dead in the forest.

CCTV footage captured Harper and the woman walking with the two Cane Corsos and following a police appeal, Harper handed himself in. 

In an interview under caution on October 21 he revealed he did not own the dog - named Tammy - that had killed Mia but had been looking after it. 

He did own the other Cane Corso - named John - who was from the same litter. 

Tammy was issued with a Contingent Destruction Order meaning a dog must be neutered as soon as possible and be kept muzzled and securely held on a lead by a person 16 years or older. 

Harper was ordered to pay £800 compensation, a £162 fine, £130 victim surcharge and £85 costs. 

PC Georgia Goreham, of the Forest Heath Response Investigation Team, said: “This was an extremely distressing incident for the victim, who was understandably devastated at the death of her two dogs in this manner.

“This should serve as a stark warning to people that if you are walking a dog that is not yours, or whose temperament you cannot be certain of, then it is imperative to keep it under control and on a lead at all times.”