A new farm shop at a nursery business has been given the go-ahead despite fears over parking.

North Norfolk council officers have agreed plans for a portable building at Del's Nursery at Sculthorpe, near Fakenham.

It comes despite objections from Sculthorpe Parish Council over parking on and around the site on Barsham Road.

"Del's Nursery have failed to provide parking spaces for their customers for many years, despite indicating a number of available parking spaces on their plans," it said.

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"Customers visiting the business are already parking inconsiderately and causing both damage to the road side and creating obstructions for farm traffic and emergency vehicles trying to pass.

"The inclusion of a farm shop is likely to increase the number of customers to the site, which is likely to cause more damage to the roadside and obstructions for both farm traffic and emergency vehicles."

One objection was received from a neighbour who said: "The business owner chooses to store major gardening supplies on the current car park making it already incredibly dangerous for visitors.

"In addition, since space is severely limited here, most people choose to park outside on both sides of the verges.

"This has heightened the probability of someone being hit by passing traffic whilst they try to load supplies into their cars."

The firm's planning application states there are 30 parking spaces on the site.

It says: "Proposal to site a portable building to be used as a farm shop.

"Main produce to sell will be meat, butchered from cattle reared on site.

"Meat will be butchered off the premises and delivered to the farm shop pre-packed."