A drinker banned from a Wetherspoons after attacking another customer later returned threatening the trash the pub.  

Glenn Piggott, 64, was barred from the Red Lion in Thetford after he violently pushed over a man who had complained about smoking in the beer garden.

Norwich Magistrates’ Court was told he returned four days later, on May 24, when he abused the duty manager after being told to leave, and threatened to smash all the windows.

He was later arrested at his home address when police found weapons including knuckle dusters, an extendable baton and a sword with a 69cm blade.

READ MORE: Teenager threw beer glass at Wetherspoons pub manager

Piggott, of Tithing Close in Thetford, pleaded guilty to assault, threats to destroy property and five counts of possessing an offensive weapon in a private place. 

Michael Cole, mitigating, said he had made “stupid threats” captured on the pub manager’s body worn camera.

He had possessed the weapons as ornaments for 40 years and was unaware this was now illegal, he added. 

He must pay fines and costs of £208 and £100 compensation to the pub staff.