A teenager handed himself into police after crashing a car he stole from Norwich city centre into a tree.

The purple Ford Escort convertible was left a write-off after Marley Seger, 19, left the road and ploughed into the tree near Constitution Hill on June 8. 

Norwich Magistrates’ Court was told people living nearby heard a huge bang and saw an injured man getting out of the wreckage and staggering down the road.

Wayne Ablett, prosecuting, said the owner had parked the car on Rouen Road during a night out but had found it gone when they returned.

READ MORE: Norwich teen crashed Audi belonging to friend's mother

Seger, of George Pope Close in Norwich, pleaded guilty to aggravated vehicle taking.

Maya Lal, mitigating, said he had initially got into the car for somewhere to sleep but had found a set of keys in the glovebox.

He had handed himself in after his foster parent contacted police to report the crash on his behalf.

“He made a very poor decision but took responsibility by handing himself in,” she added.

Magistrates imposed an interim driving ban until he is sentenced on October 15.