A man based at a Norfolk military site where Ukrainians are being trained has denied driving at a group of youngsters while almost twice over the alcohol limit.  

Andrii Kolsesnyk, 47, whose address on court documents was given as the West Tofts army camp near Thetford, appeared at Norwich Magistrates’ Court over an incident at Forest Retail Park beside the A11 on May 2. 

Andrii Kolsesnyk will stand trial for drink driving in April 2025Andrii Kolsesnyk will stand trial for drink driving in April 2025 (Image: Newsquest)

Wayne Ablett, prosecuting, said police had been called after a bystander had seen a Toyota rev its engine loudly in the car park before mounting the kerb and being driven towards a group of youths on bikes. 

He had later blown 62mg at the police station when the legal limit was 35, he added.

Kolsesnyk, who in court gave an address in West London, pleaded not guilty to drink driving and failing to cooperate with a roadside breath test. 

A witness called police to Forest Retail Park after seeing a car being driven at a group of young peopleA witness called police to Forest Retail Park after seeing a car being driven at a group of young people (Image: Google)

He will stand trial on April 24 next year after the court heard he disputed the accounts of the witness and police that he had been driving.

Stating he intended to represent himself at the trial, he told the court: “I have unbeatable evidence not available to the public that will speak for itself.”  

READ MORE: Ukrainian soldiers hone their fighting skills in East Anglia

The British Army training area in Norfolk has been used to train Ukrainian troops with how to deal with trench warfare, close quarters fighting, drones and mines.

A Ukrainian soldier during training in NorfolkA Ukrainian soldier during training in Norfolk (Image: Chris Bishop/Newsquest) Ukrainian civilians have been trained into soldiers in just five weeks as part of Operation InterflexUkrainian civilians have been trained into soldiers in just five weeks as part of Operation Interflex (Image: Chris Bishop/Newsquest)

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, part of the military training area has been turned into a fake Ukrainian village to teach volunteers how to fight more effectively in built-up areas.

British troops, along with Swedish forces, have been turning Ukrainian civilians into soldiers in just five weeks as part of Operation Interflex.