A spectacular war of words has broken out among members of Liz Truss's local Conservative association, as bitter recriminations continue into her stunning election defeat.

The group has been rocked by three high-profile resignations, including Ms Truss' former agent who has instead joined another Tory association 50 miles away.

All three are understood to be angry at chairman Matt Sawyers, and one of those departing has launched an extraordinary attack on the way the South West Norfolk Conservative Association is run, claiming a lack of basic competence hampered the former prime minister's unsuccessful re-election campaign.

Julian KirkJulian Kirk (Image: Matthew Usher)

Julian Kirk, a Norfolk County Councillor, said that the grassroots group had shown a "total lack of readiness" for the election and had even failed to stock up on ink for its printer and franking machine, causing delays to its leaflet campaign.

But Mr Sawyers has come out fighting, with his own charge of incompetence levelled at the trio, and saying their departure would leave the association free from "petty in-fighting and provincial ego trips".

The fall-out comes just a fortnight after Ms Truss lost the seat, which the Conservatives have held since 1964.

The former prime minister was defeated by Labour's Terry Jermy, a county councillor from Thetford who overturned her majority of more than 24,000 in one of the most memorable general election results in British history.



Along with Mr Kirk, the others to resign are Vivienne Spikings and Ian Sherwood, a long-term close ally of Ms Truss'.

Mr Kirk, who represents Walsoken, West Walton and Walpole ward on West Norfolk Council and Marshland North on Norfolk County Council, said he was resigning from the association with "great regret".

He sent his resignation letter to fellow members, in which he wrote: "It's been an awful 12 months within the association."

He said the association had previously been "happy and vibrant" but that had changed after a new chairman, Mr Sawyers, was appointed.

He claimed the association had only had one management team meeting and only two executive meetings since then.

Mr Kirk claimed a lack of support from the constituency office - other than a "strong core of members" - had hampered Ms Truss's election campaign.

He said the constituency office was rarely open and membership numbers had fallen.

And he said: "As the election campaign got underway, Matt was asked on several occasions about the readiness of the franking machine (ink and credit) and the printer (ink, toner and associated stationery).

"We were all assured by Matt that all was sorted. Unfortunately, this was not the case and at times we were unable to proceed, which delayed the timing of postings.

"Liz’s campaign manager worked in the office day and night in difficult circumstances.

"We had to wait for ink and were delayed whilst trying to get credit on the franking machine.

"Several of us offered to put credit on the franking machine so that we could make progress."

Mr Kirk added: "The office is rundown, unwelcoming and poorly prepared to meet the needs of the association.

"People have offered to open the office, to assist in keeping lines of communication going.

"The association has one option left and that is to change to become active and most importantly respectful, happy and engaging.

"Given the total lack of readiness when the election was called, we need to act now."

Vivienne SpikingsVivienne Spikings (Image: Sarah Hussain)


Vivienne Spikings, who represents Upwell and Delph Ward on West Norfolk Council, confirmed her resignation.

She said: "We have a difference of opinion on how an association should be run."

Ian SherwoodIan Sherwood (Image: Breckland Council)

The third resignation was Mr Sherwood, who, up until this month's general election, had been Ms Truss's political agent for every election since 2010.

Mr Sherwood, who most recently worked in Ms Truss's parliamentary office, is a Breckland district councillor for Bedingfeld, in Swaffham.

He is now transferring to a Tory association in Great Yarmouth, 50 miles away.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, he wrote: "After 44 years as a member of South West Norfolk Conservative Association, following their AGM on Thursday evening, I transferred my Conservatives party membership to Great Yarmouth Conservatives.

"I look forward to working with them going forward."

He said he was intending to relocate to the coast in the future.

David Hills, pictured right, with Liz Truss in 2009David Hills, pictured right, with Liz Truss in 2009 (Image: Ian Burt)



Liz Truss lost her South West Norfolk seatLiz Truss lost her South West Norfolk seat (Image: PA)

Mr Sawyer replaced David Hills, who had been the association's chairman since before Ms Truss was picked to stand for the constituency in 2009 and was later made an MBE by the former PM.

Mr Sawyer issued a blistering response to the resignations.

He said: "Voters and local members are fed up with petty in-fighting, incompetence and provincial ego trips.

"Recent resignations form part of a fresh start for the party and association locally, as we look to rebuild and rediscover what the Conservative Party should actually stand for.

"A new committee was elected at the recent AGM with a high member turnout.

"Rather than childish infighting, we are united and focussed on rebuilding the party locally, so we can win back the trust of like-minded people in South West Norfolk.

"We will not indulge in playground politics, nor be distracted by negativity from those who offer no solutions."

As the fall-out in her constituency office continues, Ms Truss has recently been in the United States.

Liz Truss at the National Republican ConventionLiz Truss at the National Republican Convention (Image: X (Liz Truss))

She posted photographs on X, formerly Twitter, at the Republican National Convention, praising Donald Trump as "the leadership the West needs".


She also posted a picture of her meeting Mr Trump's recently announced presidential running mate JD Vance, describing him as "a true Conservative and what America needs".