The selection of a local businessman as the "non-political" head of a £20m investment project has been met with criticism due to his former membership of the Tory party and support for Liz Truss.

Members of Breckland Council have raised concerns about the appointment of Jo Pearson to lead the delivery of the investment in Thetford, which was announced in the Conservative government's spring budget. 

The council said it required a "significant local figure" who is "non-political" to lead a new board charged with overseeing the project, and Mr Pearson was chosen last month by Maxine O’Mahony, chief executive of the authority. 

However, some councillors believe Mr Pearson is not suitable for the role due to his former membership of the Conservative Party - and feel the project has been "hijacked".

However, Mr Pearson defended his appointment and insisted he was politically impartial.

"I'm not currently a member but have been a supporter of Liz Truss in the past," he said.

"However, I am non-political for a variety of reasons. I resigned from the party before my appointment and am confident I can lead in a non-biased way. 

"I've got Thetford in my heart and I want to do the very best I can."

The row erupted after a photograph emerged of Mr Pearson at a South West Norfolk Conservative Association event in 2022, with activists showing their support for Liz Truss' campaign to become prime minister.

Jo Pearson, of Pearson GroupJo Pearson, of Pearson Group (Image: Newsquest)

Roger Atterwill, leader of the independent and Green group on Breckland Council, said: "I think he was chosen because he's mates with the Tories. I'm not satisfied that there has been a detailed recruitment process.

"How do we know he's qualified enough?"

Mr Pearson, who ran waste management company Pearsons for many years, will work alongside community leaders, business people, representatives from local government and the local MP to lead the investment - which is awaiting "final confirmation" from the new Labour government before it can progress. 

Roger AtterwillRoger Atterwill (Image: Newsquest)

Terry Land, a Labour councillor for Thetford, also raised concerns about the selection of Mr Pearson, which he believes went ahead without sufficient consultation with town councillors. 

He said: "I'm concerned that promises made to put us at the heart of this process appear not to have been honoured.

"We didn't want this process to be hijacked by Breckland Council and yet here we are. The councillors and residents of Thetford are angry that they have already been excluded from the very first part of the process."

READ MORE: Opposition grows to council's proposed increase in care costs

Thetford high streetThetford high street (Image: Neil Didsbury)

However, Sam Chapman-Allen, leader of the council, urged members to put their frustrations aside and focus on the future of the project.

He said: "This isn't about politics, it's about the people of Thetford. Mr Pearson is an independent and is apolitical. 

"He's a Thetford individual, born and bred, and a fantastic advocate for the community. I'm frustrated that we're getting hung up on the individual who is stewarding us through this process as this is a partnership approach."