Business owners in a Norfolk town have launched a petition against controversial plans to introduce fees at local car parks.

Mark Bunning, who runs a photography business in Watton high street, has organised the campaign alongside Paul Adcock, owner of electricals firm Adcocks.

The pair are calling on businesses to sign the petition after Breckland Council revealed it was considering car parking charges in the centres of Dereham, Attleborough, Swaffham, Thetford and Watton.

The authority said ongoing budget pressures were forcing it to find alternative measures to pay the current bill for upkeep of the car parks, which amounts to £450,000 a year.

The petition reads: "We collectively feel that the prospect of parking charges, despite the offer of free periods and modest charges, would act as yet another hurdle for consumers using the high street.

"With severe competition from online retailers and out of town shopping centres, with their free parking, trading in Watton high street is becoming more difficult.

"We consider that Watton should be considered in a different light to Dereham, Swaffham and Thetford as it does not have the wider range of shops to make it a shopping town.

"We appeal to councillors not to implement car parking charges, which we strongly consider would have a seriously damaging effect."

It has been hand-delivered to businesses across the town by Mr Bunning and has been signed by nearly 100 owners and employees.

Paul Adcock of AdcocksPaul Adcock of Adcocks (Image: Ian Burt)

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The plans would see one car park in each town offer the first hour’s parking for free, with tariffs between 50p and £1 for the first chargeable hour at the others. 

Fees would vary from town to town and it is expected to cost around £2.50 to park in Watton for an entire day.

Breckland Council will decide whether to move forward with the proposals at a meeting on July 15.