A disqualified driver who crashed into a garden wall while three times over the limit has been warned he faces jail.

Francis Mwamba, 36, threw away the car keys and tried to leave the scene after crashing on Marl Pit Lane in Norwich on May 23.

He was still banned after previously being convicted of drink driving and driving without a licence in 2022, Norwich Magistrates’ Court was told.

On that occasion, he had received an 18-month suspended prison sentence.

Sarah Fiddy, prosecuting, said the latest incident had seen homeowners who heard a loud bang rush out to discover the wall demolished by his Kia car.

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The Congolese father-of-four, of Lusher Rise in Norwich, had initially tried to drive off but when the wrecked car failed to move he walked away stating “what have I done? I’m sorry”. 

When police arrived a roadside test saw him blow 109 mg of alcohol - three times the limit.

Mwamba crashed his Kia into a garden wall on Marl Pit Lane while drunkMwamba crashed his Kia into a garden wall on Marl Pit Lane while drunk (Image: Google)

Mwamba, a care support worker who moved to the UK in 2008, pleaded guilty to drink driving, driving while disqualified and having no insurance. 

Simon Collingham, mitigating, said: “He is deeply ashamed of his behaviour. He let himself and his family down.” 

He added: “This was an extremely selfish action and the aggravating consequences are serious.

“He has been in denial for a number of years over alcohol misuse, effectively binge drinking, but the penny has now dropped and he has taken steps to begin to address it.” 

READ MORE: Drink driver spat at police after downing two bottles of wine in car

Magistrates said they believed the custodial threshold had been passed and ordered a pre-sentence report.

Mwamba wept as he left the dock after being told all options were open including an immediate prison sentence.  

He was warned an interim driving disqualification remains in force until he is sentenced on September 17 when he faces at least a mandatory three-year ban.