Councillors have pledged to make play parks more accessible by signing on to a youth-led campaign.

The 'Everyone Has the Right to Play' initiative, championed by young persons' advisory panels in Breckland and West Norfolk, invites businesses and institutions to consider inclusivity in play areas, particularly concerning disability access.

Thetford Town Council recently decided to join the campaign, endorsing the 'right to play' principles.

Councillor Stuart Terry said: “I am very pleased that our council has agreed to sign the pledge and acknowledge formally that everyone has the right to play.

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"The council has recently been investing money to improve our play areas across the town, committing in excess of £100,000 of council funds.

"By undertaking this pledge, we can continue those upgrades with inclusivity at the heart of what we do."

The council is examining the provision of inclusive play equipment at its 13 play areas.