The mother of an American student has told a court of her heartache following his death at the age of just 24.

Sam Crowley, a film student at Norwich University of the Arts, was found dead in his city centre flat weeks before his 25th birthday earlier this year.

An inquest into his death concluded this week, during which his mother described her devotion to him - and her regret over his passing.

(Image: Family submission)

In a statement read to the court, Karolena Bingaman said: "I loved him more than anything - he was the best son ever.

"I did everything I could think of to help him, but I just wish he could have called somebody."

She told the court her son had a history of anxiety and depression but that when she last spoke to him just over a week before his death he did not seem depressed and was looking forward to his birthday.

(Image: Ben Crowley)

She added he had recently given up alcohol following medical advice, which she said took away one of his releases.

She said: "He never really drank heavily, but would have a few beers as a coping mechanism when he was feeling sad.

"But he always wanted to be good and not let anybody down so he stopped drinking."

Karolena Bingaman, pictured with her son Sam Crowley when he was younger (Image: Karolena Bingaman)

He was found unresponsive in the flat he shared with his sister in Sentinal House in Surrey Street on April 13, after she had grown concerned that she had not seen him in a few days.

Meanwhile, Kieran Brooks, the university's associate director of student services, told the court Mr Crowley was well thought of by his course leaders and was on track to achieve strong results.

Jacqueline Lake, senior coroner for Norfolk, gave a narrative conclusion that he had taken his own life but that the evidence did not reveal his intentions. 

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