A paperboy has admitted attacking staff at a village newsagents after quitting his round. 

Kyle Warner, 25, picked up and threw a perspex screen injuring one woman during a furious argument on June 4. 

He also assaulted another woman during the incident at Sam’s Local Shopper on the village green in Pulham Market. 

Prosecutor Sarah Dawes told Norwich Magistrates’ Court that he had worked delivering papers for the shop but after a miscommunication he had quit and this had led to a dispute.

READ MORE: Norfolk shop staff on frontline as retail violence doubles

Warner, of Fairstead Close in Pulham Market, pleaded guilty to assault by beating and common assault.

He also admitted two counts of assaulting emergency workers after resisting arrest, including throwing a dog bowl at police officers, following the incident.   

Deputy District Judge Jacqui Appleton ordered a response to a supervision order prior to his sentencing on July 22. 

She granted his bail with conditions not to contact the two women or visit the newsagents shop in the centre of the village. 

The court was told the prosecution would be seeking a restraining order and compensation.