A second trainee teacher has claimed she was also harassed by a primary school head who made lewd sexual comments. 

The newly qualified teacher said Gregory Hill asked if she “would like to see the head” while his trouser flies were down.

On other occasions he had made suggestive comments including “unleash the beast” and “wanting your legs wrapped around me”, she told Norwich Magistrates’ Court

“It made me feel wildly uncomfortable and sick,” she added.

Both teachers were trainees at Howard Junior School in King's Lynn when they claimed Hill behaved inappropriatelyBoth teachers were trainees at Howard Junior School in King's Lynn when they claimed Hill behaved inappropriately (Image: Chris Bishop)

READ MORE: Love-spurned headteacher launched campaign of harassment against trainee, court told

The teacher, who began working at Howard Junior School in King's Lynn in 2013, said she had felt unable to report it as he had the power over whether her training was successful. 

She only spoke out after he was arrested in March 2023.

Hill, who is no longer head of the school, is on trial accused of harassing another trainee teacher from March 2022 after she spurned his romantic advances.

Giving evidence in his defence he said he had believed they were developing a romantic relationship that “grew like a flower in a pot” and that his feelings were reciprocated.

Prosecutor Monali Raleraskar told him: “It was all in your head. She never reciprocated.”

He was asked about a message the teacher had sent stating: “I never said I had feelings for you. I thought our previous conversations were clear on that. This is making me a bit uncomfortable and stressed.”

Hill replied: “She would be hot and cold. She would cool off then she would seek attention. It was very confusing. It was difficult to understand.”

Former headteacher Gregory Hill leaving Norwich Magistrates' CourtFormer headteacher Gregory Hill leaving Norwich Magistrates' Court (Image: Newsquest)

The court has heard that he is accused of bombarding the teacher with social media posts and messages and made derogatory remarks about sexuality. 

Ms Raleraskar accused him of lying when he claimed he had only learned she was a lesbian after he had been arrested.

Hill claimed he had been “set up” by the two teachers, who subsequently became friends, and that they had “colluded to manipulate the situation to make money”.

READ MORE: Headteacher struggled and screamed for 30 minutes during harassment arrest

The former head also denies obstructing and resisting police as they arrested him in front of parents and pupils outside the school on March 6 last year.

The court has been shown police video footage of him struggling and screaming for 30 minutes.

“I panicked and felt my job was over,” he told the court. 

But Ms Raleraskar told him the entire incident had been escalated by his own “hysterical behaviour”.

“The reason you panicked was because your reputation was going to be destroyed and you had been found out,” she added.

The trial was adjourned until July 18.