A prolific shoplifter was spared being jailed after his solicitor claimed he would be immediately released due to prison overcrowding.

Thomas Moore, 34, appeared at Norwich Magistrates’ Court where he pleaded guilty to four thefts of alcohol and meat from branches of Tesco and Sainsbury’s in Norwich. 

He had previously admitted another 24 shop thefts including 11 offences to be taken into consideration totalling more than £2,000.

Prosecutors said the latest thefts in September and October last year had been committed while on bail for the earlier offences.  

READ MORE: Victims ‘in limbo’ as courts face delays amid bid to cut prison overcrowding

Moore, of Sprowston Road in Norwich, also admitted possession of crack cocaine and failing to comply with probation.

Magistrates were asked to approve a prosecution application to remand him in prison until his sentencing on September 10. 

But defence solicitor Michael Cole said: “It’s rather pointless as the prison governor will in all likelihood immediately release him due to overcrowding.”

He was granted unconditional bail. 

It comes as court cases are being delayed and some inmates are being released early due to overcrowding in prisons.

Police have also been instructed to consider making fewer arrests.