A prestigious national prize for farm machinery innovation brought manufacturers from across the UK and Europe to the Royal Norfolk Show.

The Burke Trophy was awarded for the competition arranged by the Norfolk Farm Machinery Club (Normac), which attracted entries from countries including Germany, Sweden and across the UK.

Show president Lady Dannatt presented the prize to Robert Stranaghan of Spreadpoint, from County Down in Northern Ireland.

Show president Lady Dannatt presents the Burke Trophy to Robert Stranaghan of Spreadpoint, from Northern IrelandShow president Lady Dannatt presents the Burke Trophy to Robert Stranaghan of Spreadpoint, from Northern Ireland (Image: Chris Hill)

The firm had brought a trailed lime spreader, equipped with an "augured boom and curtain", designed to make lime applications more precise and reduce the environmental impact of dust.

"It is our first time in Norfolk, so it is an honour to be here," he said.

"This machine is designed to put the product on the ground and keep the dust down, to stop annoying your neighbours."

Edward Filby, who organises Normac's farm innovation stand at the show, said: "We absolutely should be hosting this competition in Norfolk, and we want to keep making it better.

"That is my goal - to be recognised within the agriculture industry that Normac is at the forefront of innovation and will champion it and promote it."