A boozy shoplifter given a court order to stop drinking alcohol asked for a delay... until the end of the Euros.

Samuel Bayton, 37, narrowly avoided a jail sentence after being told his cheeky request to keep drinking through the football tournament showed “absolute arrogance”.  

The prolific thief, who celebrates his passion for the England team on his Facebook page, pleaded guilty at Norwich Magistrates’ Court to a string of thefts of alcohol from two city centre branches of Tesco.

Samuel Bayton admitted thefts of alcohol from shop in Norwich city centreSamuel Bayton admitted thefts of alcohol from shop in Norwich city centre (Image: Facebook)

He stole bottles of wine and packs of beer in May and June, despite already being banned from entering both stores.

The court was told his sentence for previous thefts had included a requirement to complete an alcohol treatment order, which involves a requirement to stop drinking.

But probation officers said he had told them he was unwilling to undertake it until the end of the Euros on July 14. 

Deputy District Judge Sundeep Pankhania told him: “The absolute arrogance you’ve shown is astounding.”

Bayton pleaded for court imposed alcohol treatment to not start until after the EurosBayton pleaded for court-imposed alcohol treatment to not start until after the Euros (Image: Facebook)

Sentencing him to 26 weeks in prison suspended for 12 months he warned him he faced being sent immediately to jail if he offended again.  

He also banned him from holding an open alcohol bottle or can and entering licensed premises as part of strict requirements.

He must also begin his alcohol detox treatment and complete 20 days of rehabilitation.  

Bayton, who gave an address of the Dibden Road hostel, had pleaded guilty to numerous thefts from Tesco Express in London Street and Prince of Wales Road and the Co-Op at Norwich station.  

Josephine Jones, prosecuting, said he had been recognised by Tesco security staff as having previously been banned but he had still returned and been seen stealing bottles of wine and packs of Corona beer.

Bayton continued to steal booze despite being banned from Tesco branches in Norwich city centreBayton continued to steal booze despite being banned from Tesco branches in Norwich city centre (Image: Newsquest)

He also admitted threatening behaviour in December 2023 when he verbally abused staff at a kebab shop and used an umbrella as a spear.

Michael Cole, mitigating, said his offending was alcohol fuelled, saying: “Until that is knocked on the head there is a real risk of him reoffending.”  

Bayton was also banned from any retail premises that are part of the Alert scheme, which aims to help prevent and detect criminals in Norwich.