A stalker has been spared jail for a campaign of harassment that saw him threaten to set fire to a woman’s house.  

Luke Ferret, 39, repeatedly drove past the home of his ex partner and sent her a series of threatening messages, confronted her and called her relatives dozens of times.   

Norwich Magistrates’ Court was told he had turned up at Funkys roller skating rink in Norwich telling her: “I'll smash your head in and burn your house down.”

On another occasion he visited her parents' house and threatened to smash windows and blow up cars.

In a statement the victim told the court she had been left isolated, anxious and in fear and that it had affected her business.

READ MORE: Man threatened to kill police officers in seven hour stand-off

Ferret, of Heathgate in Norwich, pleaded guilty to stalking involving fear of violence between December 2022 and March 2023. 

Andrew Spence, mitigating, said: “These offences go back to a period when he was struggling and turned to alcohol.”

Magistrates sentenced him to 16 weeks suspended for 12 months and imposed a restraining order. They also ordered him to complete 100 hours unpaid work and pay £200 compensation.

In 2020 he was jailed after a seven-hour siege that saw him barricade himself into a Bowthorpe property and threaten to kill police and execute people.