Are you or a loved one considering the next step in finding a caring and supportive community in a care home?

Then you're invited to find out about award-winning Norwich care home Oakwood House at a 1940s themed open day later this month. 

Oakwood House will be holding the event on Friday, June 28, from 11am-4pm, and everyone is welcome. 

Deputy manager Sandra Hudson said: “Last year’s open day was an enjoyable event for residents, family and the staff team, with musical entertainment.  

“People should come along to this year’s event to meet the team and see what Oakwood House is all about.” 

This year’s event will start at 11am with ‘Oakwood House Games’ - the care home’s very own version of the Olympics, with traditional funfair stall games, such as hook a duck, hoopla and the coconut shy - to have a go at. 

Non-alcoholic cocktails at last year's eventNon-alcoholic cocktails at last year's event (Image: Oakwood House)

There’ll be a chance to sample some delicious drinks and snacks throughout the day.  

Take part in an exercise class led by Joe Smith from Gfitness between 1.30-2.30pm then relax and listen to soulful melodies and uplifting tunes sung by talented vocalist Charlene Jean from 3-4pm.  

Members of the Oakwood House team at a previous 1940s event at the care homeMembers of the Oakwood House team at a previous 1940s event at the care home (Image: Oakwood House)

The open day will also give you the chance to go on a tour of the home and meet members of the team. 

“Our dedicated team at Oakwood has just won the Learning and Development Award at the Norfolk Care Association Care Awards 2024," added Sandra. "They have a true passion when it comes to learning and supporting each other, and providing the best care for our residents, and we’re proud they got recognition for this.”  

The open day, which is taking place during National Care Home Open Week (June 24-30), is just one of the special events held at the care home each year. 

Oakwood House has more events lined up this year, such as a family fun day, including music, games and food, in August, as well as a Caribbean day in September.  

Special events are in addition to the many regular activities that are held at Oakwood every week, which include everything from flower arranging and a gardening club to quizzes and reminiscence sessions. 

To find out more, call 01603 361459 to book an appointment or drop in on the open day. 

Visit for further details.