A Norwich takeaway has been granted permission to serve food into the early hours despite protests from locals who blame it for antisocial behaviour and strong cooking smells.

The Hot Grill Kebab and Pizza House in Bishop Bridge Road will now serve food as late as 3am after securing a premises licence from Norwich City Council. 

Azeriye Bastug, the owner of the business, said this was required to ensure it would continue to be financially viable. 

However, neighbours spoke out against the extended hours and said they were "suffering" due to noisy customers in the evening. 

Richard Keach, who lives in Bishop Bridge Road, said: "This building is a filthy disgrace and should be closed down - not given extra hours.

"The business already opens late into the night and we suffer with noise, anti-social behaviour, parking issues, dirty cooking oil smells and fat deposits on our decking."

Mr Bastug has secured a premises licence for his businessMr Bastug has secured a premises licence for his business (Image: Newsquest)

Hot Grill Kebab and Pizza House had previously opened until 2am as Mr Bastug had not realised he required a licence to operate at these hours. The business has been closing at 11pm over the last six months. 

Mr Bastug said: "Opening at those hours is not enough to cover my expenses.

"I'm really open to people approaching me with problems - they can come to me easily."