Darkfield Séance is an unnerving and immersive experience taking place outside The Forum from June 5–16, hosted by Norwich Theatre. 

A decapitated mannequin dressed in a prim black suit stands atop a white shipping container.

Its hand is raised towards the sky beyond the cemetery of the Church of St Peter Mancroft, as if raising the dead.  

READ MORE: Norwich Theatre announces shipping container shows

At 7pm, the church bells ring and the container door opens.

Séance is “an intense sonic performance for twenty people at a time, lasting twenty terrifying minutes”Séance is “an intense sonic performance for twenty people at a time, lasting twenty terrifying minutes” (Image: Fiona Rita Blyth)

Myself and 20 other people are invited to step into a Victorian parlour with a long wooden table, red velvet chairs and wired headphones.

Then, a total blackout – nothing but voices. 

Séance is the first production from Darkfield – a hybrid theatre and technology company creating immersive sensory deprivation experiences.

Darkfield creates 360-degree audio experiences that toy with our fears and perceptionsDarkfield creates 360-degree audio experiences that toy with our fears and perceptions (Image: Sean Pollack)

Darkfield transforms the interiors of steel containers into adventures, dystopias and nightmare-scapes through storytelling and wraparound sound.

In complete darkness, each participant is placed at the centre of vivid, evolving narratives.

Through binaural sound and extrasensory effects, the production distorts and undermines our capacity to discriminate between the real and the unreal.

Séance is inspired by Victorian-era spiritualismSéance is inspired by Victorian-era spiritualism (Image: Realscape Productions)

I opened and closed my eyes in the void – and could discern no difference in my visual field.

READ MORE: 'I watched an absolute classic of a musical on stage and it's left me speechless'

As the medium conjured his dark magic, I sensed the nervous laughter and terrified whimpers of my fellow audience members and wondered if it was me or them who was being possessed.  

Are you afraid of the dark?Are you afraid of the dark? (Image: Realscape Productions)

Tickets cost £10 for a 20-minute session and, although the length of time in pitch darkness felt ominous before entering the container, afterwards I felt the show could benefit from being extended.  

To book tickets visit norwichtheatre.org or call 01603 630000.