The Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Rev Graham Usher, is set to reveal secrets of his life and work at a special question and answer session in Norwich.

The event, taking place at Revelation Café, allows attendees to ask the bishop anything they like whilst enjoying a traditional afternoon tea.

Margaret Smith, chair of the trustees of Revelation Café, said: "If you’ve never met a live bishop, now’s your chance."

The café, which is set within a fifteenth-century church, is known for its unique combination of being a café, tearoom, and bookshop.

Eastern Daily Press: Quiz the bishop - Q&A with tea and cake Quiz the bishop - Q&A with tea and cake (Image: Diocese of Norwich)

This special session aims to uncover aspects of the bishop that many might not know about, including his second favourite book, his time speaking at the House of Lords, and even how many bees he owns.

Attendees can expect to be served sandwiches, sausage rolls, scones with jam and cream, vol-au-vents, and of course, tea and coffee.

This event is set to take place over the afternoon from 3.30pm to 5pm on June 11.

Tickets can be purchased in advance for £15 from the café, shop or by calling 01603 619731.