Plans for a launderette have been withdrawn after neighbours got in a lather over noise.

Blossom Bridge Properties applied to turn a shop called Tranquility on London Road, King's Lynn, into a laundry.

It said there were few launderettes in King's Lynn and the proposals would not have "a significantly detrimental impact" on neighbouring properties.

But that did not wash with people living nearby, who posted objections on West Norfolk Council's planning portal because they feared the change of use would be far from tranquil.

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Sarah Green said: "Consideration must be considered in the determination of this application for the impact of noise for residents.

"The noise and vibration levels will be significantly increased due to the machines and the period of opening times proposed."

Paiu Ramona posted: "I work and I need rest and I have trouble sleeping. I am very close to this address and the noise from people and washing machines, I won't be able to sleep or rest."

Renaldas Jodokas added: "I do not agree that this plan will be agreed, because my partner has epilepsy, fibromyalgia, depression she needs calm neighbourhood, our walls connecting with all this shop, our bedroom, our living room."

The developer's agent asked whether mitigation measures could be made a condition of planning permission.

But an official replied: "In this instance, without some information up-front relating to noise, vibrations, odour impacts, we have no way of understanding levels and therefore impacts because the building or location may not be suitable.

"In this instance, where there is a total lack of information, it is not considered appropriate to deal with the issue by condition."

The planning portal says the application has now been withdrawn.