People living near a former pub that has been undergoing a revamp for the last two years are sick of seeing it as an unfinished mess.

The Buck, a grade II listed pub in Thorpe St Andrew that dates back to the 17th century, has been vacant since 2019.

Plans to revitalise the Yarmouth Road building were approved in 2022 by Broadland District Council but recently locals have noticed a halt in development.

Eastern Daily Press: The Buck in Yarmouth Road, Thorpe St AndrewThe Buck in Yarmouth Road, Thorpe St Andrew (Image: Newsquest)

The delay in work has neighbours frustrated with the "hideous mess" in the conservation area but the developers, Black Orange Investments, hope to have new contractors in soon.

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Patsy Dashwood, who owned the pub between 1984 and 2005, still lives next door and says it's "like walking over a building site".

The 81-year-old said: "Scaffolding has been up for nearly two years - it looks hideous and everything is half finished.

Eastern Daily Press: Locals are frustrated at the time it's taken for work to finish on the buildingLocals are frustrated at the time it's taken for work to finish on the building (Image: Newsquest)

"I feel like I'm walking over a building site most of the time because there's rubble and workman debris everywhere - it's really dangerous.

"There's nice houses here and me and my neighbours are sick of overlooking this hideous mess."

County councillor for Thorpe, Ian Mackie, added: "The Buck was a jewel in the crown along Yarmouth Road and it was a sad loss when it closed and sold.

Eastern Daily Press: Patsy Dashwood, 81 and former owner of The Buck, said I feel like I'm walking over a building sitePatsy Dashwood, 81 and former owner of The Buck, said I feel like I'm walking over a building site (Image: Patsy Dashwood)

"There were hopes that the current owners would swiftly create something new and bring this historic site back into commercial use, however, progress over many months seems to have ground to a complete halt leaving neighbouring residents in an unfair and unacceptable limbo.

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"Given this is in a conservation area and a picturesque part of Thorpe, I would urge this either comes to a swift conclusion or alternative ownership is considered or even enforcement action by Broadland District Council."

Eastern Daily Press: Ronald Scott, of R. Dunn Contractors said he hadn't worked on the site, or for developer Black Orange for the last year and a halfRonald Scott, of R. Dunn Contractors said he hadn't worked on the site, or for developer Black Orange for the last year and a half (Image: Sonya Duncan, Newsquest)

Ronald Scott, owner of R. Dunn building contractors, said he hasn't been working on the site or for the developers Black Orange Investments for the last 18 months after starting work there in October 2022, despite his sign still being outside the pub.

A spokeswoman for Black Orange Investments pointed towards having a new contractor soon, saying: “We're currently in the latter stages of the tender process and hope to continue work imminently subject to the contractor's availability.”

Eastern Daily Press: Thorpe St Andrew county councillor said The Buck was a jewel in the crown of the areaThorpe St Andrew county councillor said The Buck was a jewel in the crown of the area (Image: Ian Mackie)

Thorpe St Andrew Town Council is also keen to see the situation resolved.

A spokesman said "We support the concern of local residents regarding the lack of progress on this site. 

"This is a listed building, in a high profile location which does impact many residents, including neighbours who have a right of way across the site, and also visitors to the church. 

Eastern Daily Press: The application for work at the venue was granted by Broadland District Council in 2022The application for work at the venue was granted by Broadland District Council in 2022 (Image: Newsquest)

"As a town council we had good engagement with the agents when planning applications were made but unfortunately this has not continued.

"We would welcome this communication being re-established."