It seems that we are surrounded by bad news at the moment.

Inflation and interest rates going up, the death of our monarch, the fall of the pound to an all-time low against the dollar and, of course, energy bills and rising prices in the supermarkets pushing us into a difficult winter.

Not only that but our long, hot summer has come to an abrupt end and autumn has well and truly arrived. The winter duvets are out of storage along with our thick sweaters and socks and the skies are grey...and very wet.

When we meet people in town, on the dog walk, or connect on zoom for a meeting or chat, we hear words of woe in response to the automatic question: “How are you, then?”

There is no escape. Or at least that’s how it can feel.

But before you shoot me down in flames for adding to the doom-mongery, hear me out.

What we focus on, we attract more of.

If you surround yourself with happy cheerful people, you’re more likely to be happy and cheerful yourself. Surround yourself with miserable souls and your mood will quickly match theirs.

So it stands to reason that if we are being surrounded by news content all the time which in itself is only focusing on the bad news and the tough times, then we are going to find it tough ourselves.

This is not to say that the news being delivered doesn’t count, or should be ignored - far from it, we should be aware of what’s going on around us, both near and far.

BUT, there is more around us than just doom and gloom. There is more happening in our homes, our communities and the wider world than life being tough.

It might feel as though there is no room for good news - but there is plenty out there for us to go and find.

Eastern Daily Press: Norfolk-based money coach Kim Uzzell of money coach Kim Uzzell of (Image: @Valentinestudio)

By opening our eyes and ears and finding the good things, the fun stuff, the laughter and the easy conversation, we can offset the negativity elsewhere.

Focus on that good stuff, whether it’s the rainbow after the rain, the re-run of your favourite 1980s comedy on the TV, or 10 minutes peace and quiet to drink your cup of tea, and you will get more of the feel good feelings that you attach to those things.

It may not immediately solve climate change, or the impact of the war in Ukraine, but it will allow us to personally find a little bit of sunshine in amongst the gloomy skies.

For more from Norfolk-based financial expert Kim Uzzell head to or follow her on Instagram @kimuzzellmoneycoach.

Eastern Daily Press: The EDP has launched the Your Money Matters campaignThe EDP has launched the Your Money Matters campaign (Image: Archant)


If you are looking for financial help and advice, here are some of the resources you can turn to locally.

Norfolk Citizens Advice
Offers free, confidential and impartial advice on debt, benefits and money issues.
0800 1448 848

Money Support Service
Norfolk County Council service for those needing help with budgeting.
01603 223392 (option 4)

Community Action Norfolk
Charity offering help including warm homes and collective oil buying scheme.
01362 698216

Norfolk Community Foundation
Charity that runs schemes including nourishing Norfolk and community shops.
01603 623958

Norfolk Assistance Scheme (NAS)
Helps people who are in financial hardship and cannot pay their living costs.
0344 8008020

The Trussell Trust
Free 'Help through Hardship' helpline and food bank search tool.
0808 208 2138