A delivery driver from Norwich has been hailed a hero after coming to the aid of a woman who had fallen and became stuck on the floor in her home.

Tony Evans had been working for Asda for just three months when the incident happened, and already he has been nominated for an award for his efforts.

It happened when Mr Evans was making his last delivery of the day from the Hall Road store in Norwich, when he heard cries coming from inside the customer’s home.

Eastern Daily Press: The Asda store in Hall RoadThe Asda store in Hall Road (Image: Norwich Society)

The customer, an elderly woman, was able to call through to him to tell him the key safe code to get inside her house.

Once inside, Mr Evans discovered that she had been laying on the floor for nearly an hour. He raised the alarm and kept her comfortable until help arrived - staying with her for more than 20 minutes.

And despite being hailed a hero, he explained that he was only too happy to have helped.

He said: "She was a lovely lady.

“She was worried that I'd get into trouble from work but I said it was no bother and stayed with her until her carers arrived."

Now Mr Evans has been nominated for an Asda award following on from the rescue.

Onkar Singh, the store's home shopping manager, said: "It was Tony's last drop off of the day and when he knocked on the lady's door, he heard cries from inside. The lady gave him the code to get into the property and he found her on the floor.

"He made her comfortable and unpacked all her shopping then made her a cup of tea and got her some cake that she wanted. Then he waited with her, chatting to her until her carers arrived which was about 20 minutes or so."

Mr Singh added that the whole store was “so proud” of Mr Evan’s efforts.

"Tony is a very upbeat happy guy who has a real caring side too. He definitely went above and beyond that day.

“Well done, Tony."