Eastern Daily Press - Memorials

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Death Notice


Published on 12/09/2024

BANKS EVELYN Peacefully at Kings Court, Holt on August 27th aged 80 years of Wells-next-the-Sea. Beloved wife of the late Roy. Will be sadly missed. Funeral service at Cromer Crematorium on Tuesday, September 17th at 3 p.m. Family flowers only but, if desired, donations made payable to The R.N.L.I. (Wells Branch) may be sent c/o S. T. Sutton Funeral Directors, Burnt Street, Wells-next-the-Sea, NR23 1HL.


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Joy Pitts December 2nd, 2024
I am so very saddened to hear about the passing of Evelyn, which I only just found out about by reading The Quay Magazine. I started taking part in Open Studios in Wells at 12 High Street around five years ago and straight away Evelyn was very supportive, going off to tell any visitors about my wonderful art work and that if she won the lottery, she was going to get Rochester to hang in her bedroom. Evelyn looked after me gifting me home made cakes and trifle which I really looked forward to. Making art with 1000s of clothing labels I was always interested in her outfits which were beautifully colour coordinated and always part of our conversation. Evelyn was always a bright shining star during my day and I will miss her greatly. I don't have any contact details for Evelyn we just enjoyed beautiful moments at the top of High Street usually chatting outside the gallery. Sending love and best wishes to the family, from Joy Pitts.