It is one of the UK's best known challenges, which can test the endurance of even the very fittest.

But one Norfolk villager is taking on the Three Peaks Challenge... at the age of just five.

Jasper Dunsmore is understood to be one of the youngest people to undertake the task, which involves climbing the highest peaks in England, Scotland and Wales.

Jasper, from Dickleburgh, near Diss, is attempting the challenge with his father Peter, 30.

While the truly adventurous tackle all three mountains in the same day, the father and son have divided up the challenge.

They have already successfully climbed Scafell Pike, in the Lake District, and Mount Snowdon, in north Wales, earlier this year and hope to reach the summit of Ben Nevis, in the Highlands, on Saturday. 

They will begin the walk up the Scottish mountain at roughly 5am, allowing themselves 12 hours to finish it.

They hope to raise money for Prostate Cancer UK.

Jasper’s grandfather (also called Peter), from Kenninghall, was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year and has been at the heart of the challenge.

Mr Dunsmore had surgery to remove his prostate last year and recently received a second negative result for a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, indicating he is now cancer free.

“He’s alright,” Peter said. “He’s been the motivation to get this going.”

The father and son's target, which was initially set at £500, has surpassed £4,500.

Now, Peter said he hopes to raise £5,000, adding his father is proud of the progress made by the fundraiser.

“He’s been a bit blown away by the support,” Mr Dunsmore said.

When the father and son duo reach the summit of Ben Nevis, they plan to unfurl a Prostate Cancer UK banner.

Jasper’s fundraising page can be found here:–68792