A horde of iron sculptures at a stately home in Norfolk has been named one of the must-visit spots of the summer.

The Sir Anthony Gormley exhibit is made of a 100-strong group of figures arranged across the historic Houghton Hall site.

Called Time Horizon, The Times has named in its top 50 things to do this summer - alongside a trip to Somerset House and attending the Tramlines festival in Sheffield.

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One of the figures standing in the grounds of Houghton HallOne of the figures standing in the grounds of Houghton Hall (Image: Chris Bishop)

Each is an identical cast iron likeness of Sir Antony himself, best known for creating the Angel of the North at Gateshead.

Laura Freeman who curated a section of the list said: "Each is submerged to the same depth below a chosen horizon line, revealing that even a country as purportedly flat as Norfolk rises and falls, burying the figures up to their neck or only as far as their ankles.

"Challenge your children to find them all and score a century."

The artist spent four months arranging each sculpture around the grounds which will be available to find until October 31.