For the local parish council, it is no mere horseplay...

Police have been asked to investigate the mystery disappearance of signs banning horses from a leafy public footpath in a Norfolk village.

The 'no horse' signs have vanished from the route in Hempnall and officers have been asked to investigate by the parish council.

Councillors say the path, off Back Lane, should not be used by horses, as it is not suitable for them and that the animals damage the surface.

However, others seem to disagree.

The damaged Back Lane footpathThe terrain along Back Lane which councillors say has been damaged by horses (Image: Submitted)

It is not known what stage the police investigation is at, but a clue as to possible suspects could be seen earlier this week in horseshoe prints left in the mud on the path.

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The 'No Horses' sign at the entrance to back lane has been removedThe 'No Horses' sign at the entrance to Back Lane has been removed (Image: Submitted)

The issue was raised at a meeting of Hempnall Parish Council earlier this month when a member of the public complained about the damage to the Back Lane and Lower Lane footpaths by horses.

The damage coincides with the disappearance of the 'No Horses' signs at the entry to the paths.