Police are continuing to investigate the tragedy which saw a man murder three members of his family and kill himself in a Costessey home.  

In January, 45-year-old Bartlomiej Kuczynski was found dead in a house in Allan Bedford Crescent in Queens Hill, along with his two young daughters and their aunt.  

Following the deaths, it emerged that Kuczynski had made a call to 999 in a distressed state before all four bodies were found. 

Police did not attend until another member of the public raised the alarm.  

The incident is being treated as a triple murder.

(Image: Facebook)

Kuczynski is believed to have killed his daughters - Yosita, known by all as Jasmin, aged 12, and Natasha, aged eight - as well as their aunt Kanticha Sukpengpanao, 36, before taking his own life.  

An inquest was opened on January 31, less than two weeks after their death on January 19. 

During a review hearing this week, area coroner Yvonne Blake said police investigations were still on-going and as a result a full inquest could not be held.  

She adjourned the case for further review in October at Norfolk Coroner’s Court.