A bid to build 75 houses in a village near Great Yarmouth is facing a major hurdle.

Planning officers are recommending that Great Yarmouth Borough Council refuse an application for a development on land south of Meadowlands Drive in Bradwell.

The council's development management committee will discuss the proposal on Wednesday, July 31.

In a document prepared ahead of the meeting, officers said a scheme of that scale would put "significant pressure" on existing infrastructure.

The land near Meadowland Drive where a developer wants to build 75 houses. The land near Meadowland Drive where a developer wants to build 75 houses. (Image: Google Maps)

READ MORE: Fresh bid to build houses in expanding village... but neighbours objecting again

Any benefits of the development were "outweighed by its harm in relation to its social, environmental and economic impacts", they said.

The site, north of the Persimmon Homes development known as Bluebell Meadow, was originally to be one phase of a larger estate of 130 houses.

The proposal is facing 142 objections from members of the public.

Their main concern is highway safety, in particular the proposed access to and from the estate - Ollands Road to the west and Meadowland Drive to the north.

One person said: "There is already too much traffic coming through our estate with cars parked on roads and at junctions making it more and more difficult to get out of the estate. 

"More cars is not what we need."

Residents also mentioned the loss of biodiversity, green space and countryside, as well as flood risk. 

READ MORE: SIXTY residents object to 104 homes bid at parish meeting

Bradwell Parish Council is objecting with concerns over a lack of facilities when infrastructure, dentists and medical centres are already "stretched to the limits".

The application was first made in January last year - but the original applicants, Lowestoft-based builders Wellington Construction, went into administration in November.

At the time, the collapse cast doubt over the plans - as well as over a related application to build 29 houses on land east of Kings Drive.

That bid was withdrawn in April this year and then submitted again.

Both applications now have Aldreds estate agents as the applicant acting on behalf of the landowner.