A woman from Brandon is launching a company aimed at bringing a sparkle back into people's lives.

Jackie Smith has worked in high-pressure bank jobs for 26 years but will be leaving to start her own firm called A Friend For Life in October.

She will visit elderly and vulnerable people and keep them company to combat loneliness and relieve pressure on families in the community.

Mrs Smith intends to help in a range of ways - from making her clients' meals to crafting, chatting, watching films and playing games with them.

Jackie Smith previously worked in a bankJackie Smith previously worked in a bank (Image: Jackie Smith)

"Mental health is so important and loneliness can really have a detrimental impact on a person," the mother-of-two explained.

"Some carers are real angels and do a fabulous job but they don't often get to spend quality time with their clients.

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"I love spending time with people and I want to give everyone the time, company and dignity they deserve."

Mrs Smith said she was inspired to do this after seeing her parents struggle.

"My father is 86 and there is a 17-year age gap between my parents," she said.

She will open her books in OctoberShe will open her books in October (Image: Jackie Smith)

"As my dad's health has deteriorated, it has really added pressure for my mum and also restricted her from doing things she wants to do as she is caring for him.

"If mum knew of a service like mine I do feel this would have been beneficial for my dad - it is someone different to talk to.

"It also could have given my mum an enhanced availability to do things."

Her books will open in October 2024 and she will initially serve Brandon and Thetford.

If the client is further afield, adjusted pricing can be discussed.

The standard service will cost £20 for the first hour of a day and £15 for any subsequent hours that same day.