Green Party co-leader and Waveney Valley MP Adrian Ramsay was told to "show some leadership" by Sir Keir Starmer during a spiky exchange at the new government's first PMQs.

Mr Ramsay, whose constituency straddles the Suffolk-Norfolk border, had asked the Prime Minister whether the government would consider hosting a UN conference on nature.

But Sir Keir's robust reply focused on Mr Ramsay's concerns about plans for a new line of pylons planned to pass through his constituency to link new offshore windfarms with the National Grid.

Mr Ramsay asked: "The UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries on earth so I welcome the government's signal that it is committed to nature recovery.

"This is critical to humanity as it affects everything from food security to public health and wellbeing.

"Please could the Prime Minister tell us how he will show leadership personally on this existential issue and in particular will he attend the COP later this year and will the UK be launching a bid to hold a future UN nature summit?"

Sir Keir Starmer told Adrian Ramsay to Show LeadershipSir Keir Starmer told Adrian Ramsay to show leadership (Image: House of Commons/UK Parliament/PA Wire)

Sir Keir went on the attack with his response: "We are committed to nature recovery. It is a really important issue that this government will tackle.

"He talks about leadership. Well I'd ask him to show some because, elected to this House as a Green politician, he is opposing vital clean energy infrastructure in his own constituency.

"So we will put those plans before the House. I ask him to back those plans!"

Labour sources confirmed that Sir Keir was making a reference to the proposals for a line of pylons stretching from Norwich to the National Grid station at Bramford, near Ipswich, and then on to the Thames estuary.

Mr Ramsay has said there should be a full look at all the options before any decision is made on how the power should be transmitted - and the concerns of local residents should be taken into consideration.

After the exchange, he said: "During the election campaign Sir Keir called for a less confrontational political atmosphere and I really welcome that, so I was a bit surprised when he went at me like this.

"I've been working on green energy projects for 10 years - but you need to look at all the options and carry people along with you on things like this.

"The question I asked about nature depletion is very important - and I wanted him to give a personal assurance about his attitude towards this so this response was disappointing but I hope he does go back to working together on important issues like this."

However, Sir Keir's comments were backed by Ipswich Labour MP Jack Abbott.

He said: "If we are going to hit our net zero targets, our national grid desperately needs an upgrade, it's as simple as that.  

"The parties trying to block what is the cheapest, most efficient and most nature friendly way to upgrade the grid are not serious about reaching net zero, and not serious about tackling climate change.  

"We can't have any more dither or delay, or self-indulgent wishful thinking - that's why our country is in an energy crisis. 

"Our country voted for a grown up, pragmatic, proactive Labour government, focused on delivering for the British people. That's exactly what we will do."