A major surgical expansion at Norfolk's biggest hospital has finally welcomed its first patients - two years after it was originally scheduled to open.

The Norfolk and Norwich Orthopaedic Centre (NANOC) was commissioned in direct response to the impact the Covid-19 pandemic had on surgery waiting lists.

Costing at least £11m, the new centre at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital was initially hoped to open in summer 2022.

However, the project has faced a host of delays relating to "contractual issues" over costs with contractors Octagon and difficulties delivering equipment.

But this week, the state-of-the-art facility - which has a 50-strong team working at it - welcomed its first patients.

Now up and running, the team will care for 2,500 patients a year, carrying out procedures three days a week, as the hospital works through its growing waiting lists.

The unit has benefitted from the largest single grant in the hospital of the N&N Hospitals Charity - which has pledged £2m for equipment.

The centre includes

  • A same-day admissions unit
  • Two operating theatres
  • A ward containing 21 beds
  • Physiotherapy rooms
  • Its own pharmacy

Jim Wimhurst, consultant surgeon, said: "The main ethos for the unit is for 'enhanced recovery' - getting patients up and about after surgery.

"Our current length of stay is three days, but the idea is to get patients home after a day for hip and knee replacement -and some even home on the day of surgery."

Simon Hackwell, director of major projects at the hospital, said: "It has been a challenge to see this build reach completion - I would like to thank everyone who has remained steadfast in completing this project."

Lesley Dwyer, chief executive at the N&N, added: "This centre will mean we can reduce cancellations and continue elective work - despite winter and external pressures."