A forensics team has been spotted in woods near Norwich following reports a body was found at the site.

Six police cars and a forensics van were seen in Middleton Crescent in Costessey on Tuesday afternoon. 

There are reports the body was found in Costessey Woods.

A woman who lives nearby, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: "I spoke to the kids who found the body while playing manhunt in the woods. 

"There was about 10 or 15 of them and I am guessing they rang the police around 4pm."

Witnesses report the body was found in Costessey WoodsWitnesses report the body was found in Costessey Woods (Image: Denise Bradley)

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A man who lives in Richmond Road, near the entrance of Costessey Woods, said: "I heard some school kids found the body while playing near East Hills."

It follows a double tragedy in the area last week after two sudden deaths within a mile of each other and just hours apart.

The first occurred when a woman in her 40s was hit by a car during the busy school run rush hour on Dereham Road in Costessey.

The following morning the body of a man in his 20s was discovered in a nearby Longwater Park. 

Police are not aware of a link between the two tragedies, but the deaths happening so close together left the community shaken.