A charity supporting young people has received a significant funding boost from a regional firm's staff efforts.

The Benjamin Foundation, active since 1994 in Norfolk and Suffolk, soon will be £35,000 richer all thanks to the staff at Hughes Electrical.

Approximately 60 employees and their families took part in a sponsored 24-hour walk over 57 miles around Suffolk, which served as the fundraiser's main challenge.

Jack Phelps, the retail director at Hughes, organised the event.

The Benjamin Foundation supports young people throughout Norfolk and Suffolk The Benjamin Foundation supports young people throughout Norfolk and Suffolk (Image: Submitted)

He acknowledged the third recurring year of supporting the Benjamin Foundation, having previously arranged a sponsored bike ride and a parachute jump.

“This year was not without its challenges as there was torrential rain for much of the time." he said.

However, the essence of teamwork prevailed among the employees, unwavering in their resolve.

He said: “What we achieved is a testament to our true team effort, putting others before ourselves, and truly caring about colleagues which just underlines what incredible people we have working at Hughes."

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The staff's efforts raised £17,000.

On top of this, Hughes matched the funds raised up to £15,000 contributing to the charity.

Mr Phelps added: "But all the hardship was worth it.

"All is going to support the charity and the fantastic work it does with young people and their families."

Reacting to the significant contribution, Kirsty Pitcher, interim CEO at the charity, expressed their gratefulness.

"The Benjamin Foundation are once again overjoyed by the support from Hughes in their latest fundraiser," she said.

Staff took on a 57 mile walk around Suffolk Staff took on a 57 mile walk around Suffolk (Image: Submitted)

The charity hopes their efforts would inspire others to take on similar challenges.

She said: "The positive outcomes from their fundraiser will help us continue to deliver support to children, young people and families across Norfolk and Suffolk.

"Such as helping fund our Boom! Young Carers service."