The search for a hero who went missing off the Norfolk coast after saving the lives of two people is the focus of a new Channel 4 series.

George Johnston vanished in 1984 while on a family holiday in Hopton-on-Sea after he selflessly entered the sea to help a family in distress, but was tragically never seen again.

On August 30, Mr Johnston had swum from the shore to help the pair who were in difficulty in a dinghy.

Still from the episode that features George Johnston who went missing off the Norfolk coast in 1984Still from the episode that features George Johnston who went missing off the Norfolk coast in 1984 (Image: Channel 4)

During the rescue, he was lost to view and never seen again. 

A full search was made by coastguards, lifeboats and an RAF helicopter to no avail.

Now, his disappearance will feature in episode one of The Body Detectives, a new true crime documentary series.

READ MORE: The Jury: Murder Trial Channel 4 show was based on Norfolk killing

It follows the work of Locate International – an organisation led by ex-detective Dave Grimstead dedicated to revisiting these forgotten cases and giving a name and a story to each unidentified person. 

The family of the missing hero, who hailed from Baldock in Hertfordshire, seek his help to try and find his final resting place. 

It is a journey that takes the programme’s team in unexpected directions and across the sea to France, as they enlist the help of a pathologist, a forensic oceanographer and an expert in facial reconstruction.

The Body Detectives airs on Tuesday, July 23, at 9pm on Channel 4.