Wymondham High Academy School has been recognised as a School of Sanctuary, supporting refugees and celebrating cultural diversity.

The school has joined the Schools of Sanctuary Network, a national initiative committed to creating a welcoming environment for all.

Commenting on the achievement, Mrs Pinnington, a teacher of Art and EAL lead for the school, said: "Becoming a School of Sanctuary is a whole school commitment to creating a culture of welcome for all and celebrate the range of cultures that we have in school.

"Our students continue to be involved in all elements of the award, which includes 6th form committees and student led fundraising events, such as the Fashion Show, art auction and bake sales, which raise funds for local Refugee Integration charities."

The art auction was comprised of pupil and artist works The art auction was comprised of pupil and artist works (Image: Submitted)

Emphasising the pupils involvement, Mrs Pinnington highlighted participation in numerous events, from art auctions to presentations celebrating International Day of Languages.

Notably, a sixth form committee created a 'photographic map' of the school in multiple languages, making it more accessible for pupils new to English.

A Year 13 student, Romilly, said: "‘Our School of Sanctuary Committee has been raising money for a local charity 'New Routes'.

"New Routes works alongside many other charities in Norwich such as English+, The Bridge+, Norwich International Youth project and CIC Bicycle links.

An art auction was help last year during refugee week An art auction was help last year during refugee week (Image: Submitted)

"We felt it important to choose New Routes as our School of Sanctuary supporting charity due to its efforts supporting young people our age and living in our local area."

New Routes, a Norwich-based charity, supports young people and families who have recently resettled in the area.

The pupils chose to support this charity for its work with young people close to their age group.

The school community is immensely proud of their efforts, raising over £1000 for New Routes and the Disasters Emergency Committee following the Syria-Turkey earthquake in 2023.